
  • María Liliana Acosta de Archimbal


labour violence, public servant, make visible


The phenomena that occur in the world of work have been and in some cases still are complex experiences that can only be understood or explained in a general way. its protagonists, forgets that it rests on a social ethic that has human dignity as its center. The problem for the workers is not the work itself, but the conditions in which they carry it out. Speaking of dignity, in the terms of the General Collective Labor Agreement for the Public Sector, means thinking about it from the point of view of opportunities and rights, from the recognition of the capabilities and potential contribution of all groups in society, from the necessary conditions for all people to achieve their goals in life. It is a question of eliminating the barrier of differences, of encouraging all people to have the same possibilities. It is that there are no reasons that, contrary to the ethical principles that govern public employment, affect the rights and dignity of workers.



How to Cite

Acosta de Archimbal, M. L. (2018). VIOLENCIA LABORAL.VISIBILIZAR LO INVISIBLE. Revista De La Escuela Del Cuerpo De Abogados Y Abogadas Del Estado, (2). Retrieved from