Comentarios sobre la valuación de daños


  • Adriana Cusmano


SCIE, reform, compensation, interest


Working group to reform the Investor State Dispute Settlement
(ISDS), damage assessment and compensation determination
are on the agenda today. International law and Bilateral Investment
Treaties, which are the legal basis for investment arbitration, have no procedures or standards for the determination of damages and the
calculation of compensation. Based on the Argentine experience, it
has been possible to detect valuation practices that do not comply
with the good practices recommended by the specialized literature.
In this regard, the courts should strengthen the valuation of documentary
evidence, promote the reasonableness of the assumptions
and the application of interests, as well as criteria that minimize speculative
elements that are not related to the real investments that the
tribunals are supposedly protecting.

portada dossier



How to Cite

Cusmano, A. (2023). Comentarios sobre la valuación de daños. Revista De La Escuela Del Cuerpo De Abogados Y Abogadas Del Estado, (10), 326–335. Retrieved from