
  • Victor A. Malavolta UBA- ARGENTINA
  • Silvia Garcia UBA- ARGENTINA
  • Fernando De Vega UBA- ARGENTINA
  • María F. M. Robledo ECAE- ARGENTINA
  • Liliana M. Mendez ECAE- ARGENTINA


public contracts, abroad, buyings


The State's mission is to carry out those tasks, constitutionally in its charge, that are necessary for the satisfaction of the committed public interest and the general welfare. The determination of what constitutes a matter of public interest does not result from a capricious decision, but rather it is taken from the observation of social reality and the reading of it, through the instruments of public management. There is an urgent need to have uniform regulations for the management of the contracting of goods and services that the different national departments carry out in countries foreigners, for which it is simply necessary to determine a basic procedure, which brings together the main items of a tender, as it is the general and similar rule in the different regimes mentioned and also establishes the specific alternatives to which it could be resorted, in case of difficulties or obstacles that local uses and customs could present for compliance.    



How to Cite

Malavolta, V. A., Garcia, S., De Vega, F., Robledo, M. F. M., & Mendez, L. M. (2021). CONTRATACIONES PÚBLICAS EN EL EXTERIOR. Revista De La Escuela Del Cuerpo De Abogados Y Abogadas Del Estado, (5), 263–280. Retrieved from