Contributions from environmental law for a transition


  • Yamila Marian Castagnola UB - Argentina


environmental law, renewable energies, sustentability, energy transition, climate crisis


The climate crisis we are going through requires innovative solutions according to the complexity of the problem. When we think about energy matters, these solutions come hand in hand with a new energy order that will replace the centrality of fossil fuels with renewable energies. In this article we briefly describe the legal regime in force at the national and provincial level on renewable energies and explore some issues that are still absent from regulation in order to question the reader about the legal challenges posed by the energy transition in Argentina.

doctrina castagnola



How to Cite

Castagnola, Y. M. (2021). Contributions from environmental law for a transition. Revista De La Escuela Del Cuerpo De Abogados Y Abogadas Del Estado, 1(6), 94–123. Retrieved from