Derecho Administrativo y perspectiva de género

Lecturas iniciales


  • Gabriela Stortoni


Gender violence, Administrative Law, Gender violence- Administrative Law- Gender perspective and diversity, Gender perspective and diversity, Human Rigths


The gender perspective has an impact on administrative law, giving new meaning to institutions. The patriarchal scheme is present in the basic formula of law in general, and more in administrative law where the prerogative, power and authority is the foundation of its original conception. A new administrative law, resignified towards the validity of human rights as a mandatory constitutional and conventional rule and incorporate the transversality of the gender perspective as a legal obligation.

The social and cultural system has changed and administrative law must guarantee the protection of human rights to comprehensively protect the rights of women, gender and diversity and care for vulnerable groups as an opportunity to improve the structures of a right thought in the 19th century. Introduce the idea of respect for others, their rights, new ways of living sexuality and life. Administrative law cannot go to another place, if it is to remain as a legitimant of a company and analyzing where our old administrative law will be located is a challenge.

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How to Cite

Stortoni, G. (2023). Derecho Administrativo y perspectiva de género: Lecturas iniciales. Revista De La Escuela Del Cuerpo De Abogados Y Abogadas Del Estado, (9), 15–33. Retrieved from